Do you ever wonder how some churches or brands grow their organic reach on Instagram?

Organic reach is a big part of the performance of your church’s presence on social media. Although Instagram’s algorithm changes from time to time, there are a few things your church can do that will not go against the algorithm, yet functionally help you grow.


Here are 5 simple things to do to help increase your organic reach on Instagram:


1. Use user-generated content.

“User-generated content is a great way to engage with your audience and post content that’s non-invasive in the Instagram environment.” Strike Social

One great way to collect user-generated content is by creating a brand hashtag. Brand hashtags together with a call-to-action on how audiences can join you in the conversation are definitely the way to go. Audiences develop trust in churches who display authenticity and willingness to create social conversations in their social media.


2. Pay attention to content that performs well.

“…pay attention to the formula of the content that gets the best reach. Test each aspect of this content by repeating hashtags, visual style, copy style, etc. to help you strategize well-performing content going forward.”

Don’t forget to look at your post-performance periodically. You can see which posts are performing better than others, reaching more people, and getting more engagement with a simple analytics check. Make sure that you produce more of this and expand on the better performing content to keep increasing your reach and engaging your audience.


3. Know your most effective time for posting.

“…you can check your Instagram Insights to find out when your followers are most active by the day of the week and the time of the day.” Buffer

The optimal posting times are usually the time where most of your audience is online. It is important to make sure that you understand your audience well enough that you know when to approach them. With platforms like Facebook & Instagram, it is easy to see that part of the statistics on the insights page.


4. Post more live Stories.

“Live broadcasts are exciting and immensely popular; the fact that they’re happening right now can be enough to get users to click.” Agora Pulse

Live stories on Facebook & Instagram are a great way to expand your reach as a church on social media. The fact that it is happening at the moment is a huge reason why people stop and click your story. Not only that it keeps your audience more involved with your church, but it also reels in a new audience.


5. Include well-chosen hashtags.

“To be more precise, try to choose those that have at least 20,000 posts tagged with them. Find your niche and create content that’s unique within it.” NapoleonCat

Hashtags in social media platforms are like keywords in search engine sites. It can help in categorizing your content within the platforms and boost brand awareness as it suggests your content every time the hashtag is searched. Choosing your hashtags well is as important as putting it in the captions because your content should be seen as relevant whenever it shows up.


Every church communicator knows how much organic reach boosts their social media presence and reputation, especially on major platforms like Instagram. Make sure that you are posting the right content for your followers by including some of these tips to help grow your organic reach.


How is your church doing on Instagram? What # is it in terms of social media platform priorities for your church?